Ежедневные награды за Apr 20 2023
Player Action Awards
Johnny has the highest skill with 7679.84
Player with the highest skill
SANYA_UKR has killed the most players (660)
Player with the most kills (any team)
618984143 has commited suicide the most (1)
Players with nothing to live for
SANYA_UKR has been online the longest (07:19:28)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
SANYA_UKR has the most
kills (85)
Most kills with a aug
Ya s ruletom na balkone has the most
kills (59)
Most kills with a awp
НА ОПЫТЕ has the most
kills (27)
Most kills with a deagle
qq has the most
kills (35)
Most kills with a famas
-=HardBass=- has the most
kills (39)
Most kills with a g3sg1
SANYA_UKR has the most
kills (27)
Most kills with a galil
I <3 CS | [B]KoHTpe has the most
kills (18)
Most kills with a glock18
Johnny has the most
kills (12)
Most kills with a grenade
SANYA_UKR has the most
kills (21)
Most kills with a knife
14KaRaT has the most
kills (27)
Most kills with a m249
Fear is Near has the most
kills (24)
Most kills with a m3
col.Casper has the most
kills (13)
Most kills with a mac10
SANYA_UKR has the most
kills (30)
Most kills with a mp5navy
MiMIDoUzZ has the most
kills (5)
Most kills with a p90
Lausleik has the most
kills (26)
Most kills with a scout
humanevo has the most
kills (53)
Most kills with a sg552
soska has the most
kills (9)
Most kills with a tmp
SANYA_UKR has the most
kills (73)
Most kills with a ump45
Eric Cartman has the most
kills (47)
Most kills with a usp
SANYA_UKR has the most
kills (176)
Most kills with a xm1014
jar has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a elite
Fear is Near has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a p228
Johnny has the most
kills (271)
Most kills with a m4a1
Eric Cartman has the most
kills (2)
Most kills with a fiveseven
-=HardBass=- has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a sg550
Vlad has the most
kills (246)
Most kills with a ak47