Ежедневные награды за Jun 23 2023
Player Action Awards
CrazyDude has the highest skill with 11225.32
Player with the highest skill
G A S has killed the most players (539)
Player with the most kills (any team)
Morozhko_rus has commited suicide the most (2)
Players with nothing to live for
lil has been online the longest (11:29:15)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
G A S has the most
kills (282)
Most kills with a ak47
4444 has the most
kills (57)
Most kills with a aug
G A S has the most
kills (37)
Most kills with a awp
HUMMER has the most
kills (29)
Most kills with a famas
4444 has the most
kills (20)
Most kills with a galil
DiMoN [RzN] has the most
kills (12)
Most kills with a glock18
G A S has the most
kills (18)
Most kills with a grenade
BACA has the most
kills (121)
Most kills with a knife
BACA has the most
kills (37)
Most kills with a m249
denis has the most
kills (10)
Most kills with a m3
Jackson has the most
kills (167)
Most kills with a m4a1
007-Max (BLR-Minsk) 36 old has the most
kills (12)
Most kills with a mac10
atssassin has the most
kills (19)
Most kills with a mp5navy
ZZR1 has the most
kills (10)
Most kills with a p90
Player has the most
kills (17)
Most kills with a scout
ZZR1 has the most
kills (44)
Most kills with a sg552
007-Max (BLR-Minsk) 36 old has the most
kills (6)
Most kills with a tmp
the_chemodan has the most
kills (16)
Most kills with a ump45
~3OMBIE~ has the most
kills (74)
Most kills with a xm1014
BenZion*WiesnZoff has the most
kills (15)
Most kills with a deagle
Player has the most
kills (29)
Most kills with a usp
Enver has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a p228