Ежедневные награды за Сегодня
Player Action Awards
KITTI_VIKKY has the highest skill with 13933.51
Player with the highest skill
KITTI_VIKKY has killed the most players (72)
Player with the most kills (any team)
KITTI_VIKKY has been online the longest (00:30:43)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (20)
Most kills with a ak47
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (6)
Most kills with a aug
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (1)
Most kills with a deagle
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (3)
Most kills with a galil
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (1)
Most kills with a grenade
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (4)
Most kills with a m249
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (23)
Most kills with a m4a1
Дашулика has the most kills (1)
Most kills with a p90
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (7)
Most kills with a sg552
KITTI_VIKKY has the most kills (7)
Most kills with a xm1014